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28 reasons to hike

As if you needed a reason to hike — but maybe your friends, family, or co-workers do. So, if they ask, we are putting up a list of reasons just for you. We will post 4 new reasons every week.

1) Hiking helps you make friends for a lifetime - You share your tent with somebody you have never met before, sing some of your favorite songs around campfires with a bunch of strangers or walk on the mountains with fellow nature lovers. There are uncountable reasons during hiking which bring people together and make them friends for a lifetime. 2) Hiking helps you to prepare for unknowns - In life, nothing trains us for the unpredictable like hiking does. When you go hiking there are so many things that can be unpredictable such as the weather for example. What do you do when it starts raining in the middle of nowhere and you didn't bring your raincoat. Remember that one time you forgot your mug during a hike and started using your tiffin box as drinking container? 3) Hiking gives you a good dose of Vitamin D - Are you getting enough dose of "Sunshine Vitamin" in your AC office? If no then hiking twice in a month can solve your problem. 4) Hiking teaches you to share and collaborate - Today, companies organize seminars on collaboration and sharing. If you are somebody who hikes regularly, sharing and collaborating gets ingrained in you. Do you remember you had forgotten sunscreen and somebody from the group offered you theirs? Or you helped a slow member of the team to get to the top of the mountain? So next time you go to any interview don't forget to highlight your sharing and collaborating skills.

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