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Terms and Conditions


Your contract is with Pinnacle Outdoor Adventures
Below are the details of the terms and conditions of the booking agreement. Please read them carefully. When you make a booking and we accept it, a legally binding contract is made. When you sign a booking form or fill one in online, you (and any other person on whose behalf you book) agree to accept all of these conditions; you acknowledge that you have read the relevant trip information and also the general information. You also warrant that the information given by you on the booking form is complete and true. This contract is made on the terms of these booking conditions.


1. Booking 
To reserve your place on any of the trips organised by Pinnacle Outdoor Adventures,

  • You should fill and sign the booking form and send it to our office by email (a scanned copy), fax, post or courier.

  • Deposit 50% of the trip price.


2. Payment 
The prices quoted are for payment by cash, draft, wire transfer, cheque or money order, payable in Manali. The tour price is payable to Pinnacle Outdoor Adventures, 45 days prior to departure. For some special trips, the booking date may be upto 2 months before departure. Failure to pay by that date entitles Pinnacle Outdoor Adventures to cancel your booking without notice and without refund of the deposit. Prices are quoted in Indian National Rupees (INR) / US dollars (USD). 


3. Health and Fitness Requirements 
Participants must be in good health and reasonable physical condition. Because safety is our motto, a medical certificate and risk certificate is mandatory before the start of any trip. It is vital that participants with medical problems make them known to us well before departure. Our trips generally take place in remote areas where there is little or no access to normal medical services or hospital facilities. If required, evacuation can be prolonged, difficult and expensive. Medical and evacuation expenses will be the responsibility of the participant.


4. Tour Leader Authority 
Signing our booking form signifies your agreement to abide by the authority of the leader, who represents
Pinnacle Outdoor Adventures. The decision of the leader as to the conduct, itinerary and objectives of the tour is final. If, in the opinion of the leader, your behaviour or physical condition is detrimental to the safety, welfare and well-being of the group as a whole, or if the leader considers your general wellbeing will be put at risk by continuing with the trip, you may be asked to discontinue the tour. In this case you would not be entitled to any refund for unused services.

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